Clojure/West and chocolate pudding
Clojure/West just ended, it was one of the best conferences I've attended so far. Apart from being very well organized and hosting a lot of exciting talks, I enjoyed talking with a great number of people. Thanks to the organizers and attendees for making it such a good experience!
I want to shout out an even bigger Thank you! to everyone who has supported cloxp and has given feedback about it. It is exciting and motivating to see that there is a lot of interest in the project. At the conference I presented the recent version of cloxp and gave an "Unsession" in which I explained a little bit more about the background and ideas of the environment. I'm eager to continue developing it. If you want to get involved in the effort, please see the "Making cloxp rock" post.
Ah, the chocolate pudding: Thanks to Eric Normand there is a pre-Clojure/West interview with me about cloxp.